101 Watercolor Painting Tips, Tricks & Techniques

Discover the secrets of the world's top watercolor painters.

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

From how to keep your watercolors fresh and loose to mixing a range of glorious greens and choosing the right watercolor brush for the job, this must-have compilation may just hold the secret to taking your work to the next level.

cover of guide to 101 Watercolor Painting Tips, Tricks & Techniques

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  1. I love everything in this newsletter. I’m in Aw with the featured artists, ideas, insights and instructions. I learned a lot by just reading. I love the way how the articles and paintings are organized and easy to access.
    Bravo. I really enjoyed all of it. Thank you.

  2. I enjoy learning the right way to organize a picture- I pretty much just look at a picture and went with what I saw- I love color and painting-


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