Your Watercolor Podcast Playlist

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

Joseph Zbukvic on the Evolution of Watercolor

In this exclusive interview, Zbukvic shares his newfound confidence in the health of art as we know it, and the continuing evolution of watercolor. [listen now]



Barbara Tapp on Becoming a Painter

Tapp says it took seven years of experimenting, joining an art club, and painting with other artists en plein air  to truly become a painter. [listen now]



Mario Robinson on Painting Figures

Robinson is known for his figure paintings, but here he shares his strategy for painting en plein air, including placing the figure in outdoor scenes. [listen now]



Keiko Tanabe on Being an Artist

Tanabe tells us one of the best things she did early in her career that put her on the path to success, and what it was like to quit her “day job” and become a full-time artist. [listen now]



Alvaro Castagnet on His Vision for Watercolor

“A new vision is needed from artists today,”says Castagnet, who stresses the importance of using the medium “to inject a great deal of mood in our paintings.” [listen now]


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