Meet Inês Monteiro, this week’s top American Watercolor Weekly Ambassador!

- Administrator of IWS Portugal (International Watercolour Society)
- Country: Portugal, live in Lisbon capital
- Art lover: I started at early age. Our father — I come from a large traditional Portuguese family — took me to visit great museums abroad Prado in Spain, Louvre in France, Greco in Tolledo Spain, Frick Collection in New York, Goya in UK, Salvador Dali in Cadaqués Spain Gulbenkian in Lisbon Portugal, etc.
- Never stopped learning and painting. Today I Tutor workshops and organize courses.
- Profound Nature Lover Studied Languages , speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, German.
- Watercolour is my best and loyal friend, always at my disposal whenever or wherever I wish to paint.
- Soft, no hard edges, full of light and transparency, “Alla Prima” often.

- My father taught me to how to observe, look and understand each painting.
- Started on oils 20 years ago remaining with this media for 6 years.
- Experimented with acrylics for 3years
- The magic of watercolour was yet to discover…
- Travelled and attended several courses on watercolour with great masters, such as- Liu Yi (China)- George Politis (Greece) – Jean Haines (UK) – Eudes Correia ( Brasil).
- Exhibited 4 times in Fabriano (Italy)- Denmark – Torres Vedras, Estoril (Portugal) – Thessaloniki 4 times in (Greece) Hong Kong, New Deli (India).
- Watercolour is my passion!

Become an American Watercolor Ambassador for a chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of American Watercolor Weekly newsletter.
My favorite….artist too…. x o and prayers of gratitude.