American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society
Juror Keiko Tanabe had her pick of stellar watercolor paintings to award in Watercolor West‘s 2019 International Juried Exhibition, on display through December 15 at Brea Gallery in Brea, California.
Here’s a sample of the paintings she selected.
FIRST PLACE – $2,000 Ken Call – “In the Moment”SECOND PLACE – $1,500 Stephen Zhang – “Haircut”LILY Y. AWARD $1,000 Kerry Waltz “Grey Day 3”PATRONS AWARD – $700 Phyllis Tseng – “Listen”NATIONAL WATERCOLOR SOCIETY RECIPROCAL AWARD – $500 Charles Rouse – “Disconnected”HENRY & FUJIKO FUKUHARA MEMORIAL AWARD – $500 Keiko Yasuoka – “Full Bloom”
I was honored to have my “Harbor Lights” juried into the show by Keiko. It was special having a friend and admired colleague unknowingly aid me in attaining my fourth Signature with the selection. Thank you to her and all the volunteers at Watercolor West!
Every time I read your magazine I learn something. Thank you Ms Kane.
Brillant show
I continue to enjoy this newsletter and have passed it onto several friends. Thankyou for the work you do.
I was honored to have my “Harbor Lights” juried into the show by Keiko. It was special having a friend and admired colleague unknowingly aid me in attaining my fourth Signature with the selection. Thank you to her and all the volunteers at Watercolor West!