Pops of Color

Bev Jozwiak celebrates the color that makes an appearance in nearly every painting she creates.

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

Winsor & Newton’s Manganese Blue Hue shows up in almost every watercolor painting I do. Like the Impressionists, I apply spots of varied color next to one another in my paintings, and manganese blue hue offers a beautiful spot of bright color that I’ve come to love in my work. I’ve also been playing with other bright blues, including American Journey’s Andrew’s Turquoise.

Add a spot of bright blue to your next painting and see what it can do for you!

watercolor figure
Hoops (watercolor on paper, 17×21)
watercolor animal
Creature Comforts (watercolor on paper, 22×16)
watercolor figure
Seattle Born and Raised (watercolor on paper, 23×18)



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