One More Pearl of Wisdom from PACE

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

On Tuesday, I shared a few practical tips from the fantastic watercolor painter Dan Marshall from his presentation at this year’s Plein Air Convention & Expo. The week was full of wonderful demos from watercolor landscape painters working in a variety of styles, but I wanted to highlight one more artist while the lesson is still fresh.

Shuang Li watercolor painting


“Don’t describe,” said Shuang Li. “Indicate. If you create the right shape, the viewer will help you do the work and imagine the element with you. Never forget: You are not the only one with an imagination; viewers use their imaginations, too.”

In “Fearless Waterscapes,” Shuang Li opens your eyes to a different way of looking at water. She shows you that unlike other subjects, you can’t translate water directly from a photo to a painting; you have to first learn the language. Working from multiple reference photos, she helps you capture the true emotion of water.


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