Painters Painted

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

“Painting At Maymount” (watercolor, 10 x 14 in.) by Richard Sneary

Painting outdoors with 360-degree views, artists have access to an infinite source of subject matter from which to draw inspiration. Every once in a while, however, the tables turn, and they find themselves providing inspiration for someone else. Here watercolor artist Richard Sneary shows us what happens when the painter becomes the painted.

More Watercolor Paintings of Painters
“Riverwalk” (watercolor, 11 x 14 in.) by Yvonne Mucci
“Freezing Cold and Raining” (watercolor, 12 x 6 in.) by Annie Strack
“I painted this piece during the Chadds Ford Historical Society’s annual winter plein air event in February, 2019, at the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania,” says Annie Strack. “The artist in the painting is Yvonne Mucci of New Jersey. Yvonne and I are painting buddies and often meet up at plein air events. We live only about 30 miles apart from each other, but the first time we met was at a plein air event in Wisconsin and we’ve been painting buddies ever since.”

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Kelly Kane
PleinAir Magazine and American Watercolor Weekly Editor-in-Chief With more than 20 years experience in art publishing, Kelly Kane has served previously as Editor-in-Chief of Watercolor Artist magazine and Content Director for The Artist’s Magazine, Drawing, Acrylic Artist, and Pastel Journal. She has interviewed many of the preeminent artists of our time and written numerous articles about painting, drawing, art education and art history. She is now the Editor-in-Chief of PleinAir Magazine and the American Watercolor Weekly newsletter. Click here to send her an email.


  1. That’s my painting pal Annie Strack working hard along the Maurice River! We always have the best adventures along with great camaraderie while painting.


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