“It was Wednesday night at Plein Air Easton 2018, the last night of painting, and the night of the scheduled nocturne painting,” says Ken Karlic. “I don’t do nocturnes, at least not well, and I didn’t plan to make one, but while painting with a friend earlier in the day, I took a break and saw what I thought was a dream setup — basically a white-on-white painting with dashes of color and lots of structure. I began to set up around 9 p.m., and just as I finished, all the lights of the station went out as they closed. Undeterred, I searched for any of the four headlamps I own, but could find none. Still, I stayed the course.
“I eventually completed the painting in about three hours, holding my iPhone in one hand to provide some light and painting with the other. I started with a barrage of watery paint as I would a typical watercolor, but ended with a consistency more akin to a gooey oil paint. It was so humid, I had to dip into my car two or three times and crank the heat because the painting had absorbed so much moisture.
“It was my last painting of the event — one that I never intended to make — and it’s one of my favorites.”
Is there an interesting story behind your latest painting? Share it with us!
I have lost my Muse!
How can I get back into the love of painting?
Love this article.🐰