The Other Side of the Easel

American Watercolor Weekly is not affiliated with American Watercolor Society

“Naomi and Heyer’s Herd” ( watercolor, 11 x 15 in.) by Andy Evansen

With their stationary poses, shapely umbrellas, and telltale setups, fellow artists in the field make attractive subjects in their own right. As the other painter works, the watermedia artist can respond in kind, using wet-into wet washes, bold splashes of color, and delicate line work to evoke the atmosphere and tension of the creative act.

“Drawing on the Edge” (water-soluble pencil, 8 1/4 x 11 1/2 in.) by Kathleen Lanzoni

Working quickly before their subject beats them to a finish, the light changes, or the weather takes a turn, the watermedia artist makes the most of the fluid, responsive nature of their medium. 

On a Mission” (casein, 9 x 12 in.) by Krentz Johnson

As a devotee of watermedia, plein air painting, and watching artists demonstrate their craft, I pulled together a few examples of paintings that celebrate the best of all three endeavors. I hope you, too, find inspiration in this celebration of the plein air artist at work — both in front of and behind the easel.


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